Frequently Asked Questions

Our company offers customs clearance services, import and export consultancy, customs declaration preparation, customs tax calculation and similar services.


In order to import, documents such as customs declaration, invoice, transportation documents, insurance policy and an import permit including the necessary documents are usually needed. For detailed information, you can get support from our company's experts.

A customs declaration is a document that an importing or exporting company fills out to provide customs authorities with information such as the nature, value, quantity, country of origin, etc. of the goods. The declaration is usually transmitted electronically to the customs system. Our company provides professional support to its customers in preparing customs declaration.

Customs duties are determined according to the value, type, country of origin and customs tariff schedule of the imported or exported goods. Our customs company helps its customers to make correct tax calculations by following the current customs duty rates.

In order to export, commercial invoices, waybills, customs declarations, transportation documents and special documents, if any, may be required. In export transactions, our company provides support to its customers in preparing the necessary documents and following the transactions.

Customs procedures may vary depending on various factors. These factors include the type of goods, quantity, completeness of documentation and customs intensity.

Our company strives to provide the fastest and most efficient customs service to its customers.

Common problems encountered at customs can include missing or incorrect documents, duty calculation errors, delayed deliveries, lack of a certificate of conformity or license for the goods, etc.

Our company provides consultancy services to its customers to prevent or solve such problems.

Customs duty refunds on imports and exports are available for companies that meet certain conditions. Refunds usually require the completion of documentation, the correct filing of the application and following the relevant procedures. Our customs firm provides guidance to its clients on duty refunds.

Yes, customs legislation may change from time to time. Regulations on customs legislation can be made at national and international level.

Our company follows the updates in customs legislation and informs its customers on this issue.

Çözen Gümrük is managed by a team of experienced and specialized experts in customs clearance.

With our customer-oriented approach, we strive to provide quality service, ensure efficiency in customs processes and offer solutions that meet the needs of our customers.

Foreign trade organizations, subject Customs Clearance Services and Customs Clearance Company selection The most important elements to be considered are listed below. 

  • A Reliable Staff Consisting of Experienced, Expert, Authorized Professionals with the Responsibility of Correct Guidance, Complying with Ethical Principles and Moral Values,
  • A Business Model and System Where Businesses Can Be Sustained Without Depending On Individuals, Where Corporate Knowledge Is Produced, Developed, And Acquired Into The Memory Of The Institution,
  • Boutique Service Concept,
  • Technological Infrastructure,
  • Fast Transaction Finalization and Problem Solving Ability,
  • Ability to Provide Service in Different Locations,
  • Experience in Providing Services to Large Scale Organizations,
  • Accounting and Finance Department Working with the Right Timing,
  • Having an Internal Audit Department that Conducts Pre-control Audits for Post-control,
  • Attention to the Protection of Commercial Interests and Legal Rights of Business Owners. 

It should not be forgotten that a wrong transaction to be made by a wrong Customs Brokerage firm to be selected carries the risks of being easily evaluated within the scope of customs smuggling and penalties, and these will expose foreign trade companies to irreparable costs, penalties, time and prestige losses.

Pursuant to Article 73 of the Customs Law No. 4458, in order to determine the accuracy of the information declared to the customs administration after the delivery of the goods, the import or export transactions of the obliged persons or the commercial documents and data related to the subsequent commercial transactions are inspected by the Customs Inspectors at the places belonging to the obliged persons.

Post-control is carried out to determine whether persons (real and legal) fulfill their obligations stipulated in the customs legislation and other relevant legislation. A company subject to post-control is inspected and controlled not only in terms of customs duties, but also in terms of origin procedures, declarations made in terms of tariff and value, all kinds of permits, accounting records, certificates of origin, production processes and compliance with the conditions stipulated by the regimes.

According to the Communiqué on the Minimum Fee Tariff for Customs Brokerage and Authorized Customs Brokerage published by the Ministry of Trade, customs brokers who provide customs brokerage services below the Minimum Fee Tariff are subject to an irregularity penalty in accordance with the first paragraph of Article 241 of the Customs Law, without prejudice to the provisions of disciplinary penalties, separately for the customs broker and the obliged (all persons responsible for fulfilling the customs obligation) for each declaration.

We are here for you!

With our expert team, we are here to make your business processes more efficient and smooth.